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  • Paul Candela

Are You Behind on Your Spring Cleaning? Have TLC Tree & Lawn Care take care of your spring yard maintenance

No need to fret. We got you.

bench under tree surrounded by flowers
Goodbye fallen twigs, hello newly planted flowers

Spring yard maintenance may seem daunting, but tackling it now will save you time and effort in the long run. By addressing these tasks promptly, you'll ensure that your yard is ready to bloom and flourish as the days grow longer and warmer. If you are behind, not to worry—let TLC Tree & Lawn Care expertly handle your yard work, ensuring it thrives in the summer months and beyond.

Why Spring Yard Maintenance Matters:

Spring yard maintenance sets the stage for a successful and enjoyable summer. It's your chance to address any issues that may have arisen over the winter months and prepare your outdoor space for optimal growth and vitality. Neglecting spring yard care can lead to problems such as weed infestations, pest issues, and poor plant health, ultimately detracting from the beauty and enjoyment of your yard.

Key Tasks for Spring Yard Maintenance:

  1. Clear Away Debris: Remove fallen leaves, branches, and other debris that have accumulated over the winter months. Clearing away debris allows sunlight to reach the soil and promotes healthy growth.

  2. Prune and Trim: Trim back dead or overgrown branches from trees and shrubs to encourage new growth. Pruning also helps maintain the shape and structure of your plants, enhancing the overall appearance of your landscape.

  3. Lawn Care: Give your lawn some attention by raking away thatch, aerating the soil, and overseeding any bare patches. Proper lawn care practices now will result in a lush and vibrant lawn throughout the summer.

  4. Weed Control: Stay ahead of weeds by pulling them as soon as they emerge. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide can also help prevent weed seeds from germinating.

  5. Mulch and Fertilize: Apply a fresh layer of mulch around trees, shrubs, and flower beds to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Fertilize your plants to provide them with the nutrients they need to thrive.

Don't Delay, Start Today:

Reach out to TLC Tree & Lawn Care today and enjoy your beautiful and vibrant yard without the stress!

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